We are Passport Explorers, a family of 5 that has been traveling around the world since 2016, seeking out and sharing unique experiences from all over the world, usually with a healthy, organic or sustainable twist.

We’ve become experts in family travel, digital nomad lifestyle, cool adventures and worldschooling.
We are not budget travelers, and we aren’t “blow your budget” travelers.
Our family enjoys comfort with a bit of luxury.
We seek out unique places, cool adventures, small resorts with a healthy vibe, organic farms and restaurants, local cuisine, off-the-beaten-path experiences, and trips of a lifetime!
Because we find it hard to locate these types of trips, quality custom tours, worldschools, boutique hotels and unique experiences, we thought we’d share them here and on our YouTube channel.
How did we begin to worldschool &
become digital nomads?
For a few years, we lived a fairly traditional family life in Florida, with work, preschool, and weekly routines filling our calendars. After selling our home in 2016 to buy a bigger one, we first took a month off together in a small hotel suite in New England.
Almost immediately we realized that the change we were seeking was not a bigger house, a second car, nor a bigger paycheck. Instead, what we truly cherished was the closeness that came with spending each day together.
What we wanted was time. Time to soak up each little stage as our babies grew from infants to toddlers. Time to become the close-knit family we craved.
So, we set out on a 3-month trip fully anticipating that we would still return within a year, purchase a larger home, and settle back into school, life, and the typical routine.
However, we quickly found that our new traveling way of life brought us so much joy: true bonding time as a family, appreciation of other cultures, and experiences that we can’t get from a textbook.
Since then we have covered the globe with our footprints.
We literally traveled around the world in 80 days. We cruised all the way across the Pacific Ocean. We saw orcas splashing and penguins playing in Antarctica. We slept under the stars in a private boat in the Nile and we swam in the Amazon River. We stared into the stunning blue eyes of King Tut. We ventured into the depths of the rainforest of Borneo to stay with a distant tribe.
And we didn’t make a sound when a mother cheetah jumped on top of our open-top Land Cruiser in the middle of the Serengeti.

Over the last 7 years, we have covered over 50 countries and all continents with our kids (well, except the newest addition – he is still playing catch up). Formally known as the Retired Toddlers, we decided we needed an updated name for our growing digital nomad family!
Enter Passport Explorers!
Our kids may not remember each of these adventures, but our hope is that they remember that we were always together as a family.
Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about the incredible trips we take, how we make it all happen, and all the tips for traveling with kids!
☞Subscribe to our newsletter here
How do we school our kids?
We were worldschooling before it became popular. Essentially, we were showing our kids the world and naturally learning along the way. We always assumed we’d return home when the kids grew to school age.
However, year after year, we kept deciding that they were getting an incredible education outside the traditional classroom, too.
As our kids continued to grow, we wanted to find more social opportunities and community for them. Along the way, we’ve had some amazing schooling experiences: a local Mexican school, worldschool pop-up in Nicaragua, unschool in Dominican Republic, a traditional public bilingual American school, and a new worldschool with locations around the world (Portugal, Greece, Italy & Bali).
We share a lot more about worldschooling in our Newsletters, as well as our YouTube Channel.
☞Subscribe to the Passport Explorers YouTube Channel
Do we work?
Yes! We have to pay for this lifestyle.
Michelle works consistently building a business with a lot of flexibility, while Jake is a technology consultant who picks up short-term projects.
We will be sharing more about how we afford our lifestyle here in our newsletters and our YouTube videos!
What type of travel do you do?
We have circumnavigated the globe multiple times.
Along the way, we’ve stayed in amazing resorts, boutique hotels, Airbnbs, organic farms, rentals, glamping sites, and have traveled on some spectacular long cruises.
Sometimes we take custom tours, other times we self-drive, and still other times we take trains, hundreds of airplanes, or all different types of boats.

What to Expect from Us:
We are on a mission to find and share our wealth of family travel knowledge, our custom itineraries, the best worldschools, and digital nomad life.
Our travel values include:
Transparency * Health * Unique Experiences * Local Culture * Organic Food
We go into each experience with an open mind and find the joy in learning.
Come along with us as we stamp our passports and explore the world!
Michelle, Jake, Henley, Jagger & Jovi